The curriculum at Whitefield is a place where every student, no matter their starting point, can find their passion and succeed. Students become experts in their chosen fields with a focus on knowledge, understanding and language to achieve ‘Great Grades’ and have the ambition to take their learning further.
The curriculum is ambitious in the breadth and depth of knowledge and skills that students acquire. Whilst KS3 focuses on core knowledge and language acquisition the additional choices of subjects and extracurricular opportunities are broad and varied. This ensures students can find their passion and pursue qualifications for their future ambitions.
The curriculum develops ‘Great Character’ through embedding the we ARE Whitefield ethos in the classroom through our Disruption free Learning approach. This ensures students work hard and show effort in every lesson.
Students' wider personal development and cultural capital enhancement ensures students leave with a better understanding of the world around them and plans for their next steps.
The sequencing of learning ensures that difficult skills, topics and vocabulary is built up over time and enforced periodically. Every subject promotes the teaching of literacy for all abilities so that students are not only literate in the English language, but also the technical languages of their chosen subjects, thus supporting them in their next academic steps and into employment.The sequencing of learning ensures that difficult skills, topics and vocabulary is built up over time and enforced periodically. Every subject promotes the teaching of literacy for all abilities so that students are not only literate in the English language, but also the technical languages of their chosen subjects, thus supporting them in their next academic steps and into employment.
Our unique bridging year in Year 9 allows students to make some subject choices. This means students can experience some of the exciting option subjects earlier, study them in greater depth and in a more practical way than with a traditional curriculum model.
We recognise the context of our students and that some require tailored support and different pathways. This is provided through alternative qualifications in core subjects, and SEN and EAL curriculum pathways for some students.
Throughout their curriculum journey students are supported at every stage with careers and transition guidance ensuring they make good choices to support their future goals and ambitions. RSHE lessons further develop students' emotional intelligence and understanding of British Values and life skills.
The enrichment curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn in different settings such as clubs and trips and build cultural capital. Every student attends at least one enrichment trip and there is an abundance of clubs for students to choose from.
The We ARE Whitefield ethos (Ambition, Respect, Effort) sets the expectation that students work hard and produce high quality work every lesson.
High quality teaching leads to students knowing more, remembering more and applying knowledge and understanding in greater detail. This is reflected through retrieval practice at the start of every lesson, effective ongoing assessment and students final outcomes.
In addition to their academic outcomes, students leave Whitefield having developed great character, through cultural learning, sporting and enrichment experiences, both through the taught and wider curriculum. The careers education programme ensures all students know and are supported in their next steps in education or work.