H P Brent Cross Development 24 Juliet Murphy
Careers & Guidance

Whitefield School seeks to maximise the life chances of all of our young people and so it is crucial to prepare young people for life beyond school and college. The values and principals document makes direct reference to developing:  

‘knowledge, skills and attributes they (Whitefield students) need to lead successful and happy lives’  

The governing body have therefore adopted this policy in order to provide a clear commitment to and framework for Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.  (insert policy)


Our Aims are: 

  • Ensure all young people (KS3-KS5) engage and participate in a stable programme of advice and guidance delivered by experts. This is to ensure students are equipped with all the knowledge needed to make informed decisions for their next steps. 

  • Inform students about academic routes and opportunities through a robust Careers and Guidance programme. Students have many opportunities to hear from and engage with Universities and colleges.

  • Inform students about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities. Students have many opportunities to hear from and engage with Apprenticeship training providers and workplaces. 

  • Address every learners needs with opportunities in a range of workshops, assemblies, trips and programmes throughout their school journey. These talks are delivered by employers, employees, apprenticeships, technical qualification training providers, students and staff from many universities and colleges and other experts in Careers and Employability. 

  • Support students with completing strong applications, personal statements and CV’s for their next steps.

We provide students with the following: 

  • Valuable encounters with both employers and employees across a range of sectors.  

  • Experiences with workplaces through year 10 and 12 work experience, guest speakers and trips to a diverse range of workplaces across many sectors. 

  • Meaningful encounters with Further Education and Higher Education at all key stages.

  • Careers are closely connected and built into the curriculum across all key stages.  

  • Vital education about the Career and Labour Market.

  • A range of Leadership, enrichment, extra curricular and volunteering opportunities to support students to be ambitious and confident.

  • Personal and professional advice for learners through our highly skilled careers advisor.  

  • Transition opportunities between KS4 and KS5 as well as KS5 and beyond. This includes, taster day activities to bridge the gap between KS4 and KS5, University and Apprenticeship Fairs and a robust induction programme in year 12.

  • Support in writing CV’s, personal statements and applications.  

  • Interviews practise with experts from many sectors.

  • Tailored support with Careers information and employability skills such as presentation, team work and leadership taught in RSHE lessons.

  • A robust form time next steps program delivered in KS5. 


Information for Providers:


Whitefield School are committed to providing students with a stable and comprehensive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programme.


We have facilities, ICT and specialist equipment to support external provided presentations and workshops. Providers are welcome to leave relevant prospectus, course literature and information with the careers lead so that it can be displayed in the Careers Section of the library.