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Ways to get involved

The rebranding process has been thoughtfully planned and will involve several key changes, including a refreshed visual identity, updated communication materials, and new initiatives that highlight our core strengths and future direction. We plan to engage students, parents, staff, and community members throughout this process to ensure that our new brand resonates deeply and authentically with everyone.

Click on the sections below to get involved


Year 5 Competition 

This is an exciting time for our school, and we need the voice of our community. We would love to invite the young and creative minds from our local primary schools to help us choose a new name and logo by entering our FUN competition.

Who can Enter?

  • Year 5 students from the local community schools

How to Enter:

  • Brainstorm: Think about what Whitefield School means to you and how you envision its future. Brainstorm and submit potential new names and logos for our school. We encourage students to think about what makes our school unique and inspiring.

  • Design: Create a new name and logo that represents our school's values and spirit. This can be completed in classrooms or at home with your family.

  • Submit: We will be dropping off the competition at your school on June 6th/7th 2024. This includes a whiteboard for the students to add their ideas. Please do let us if there is a convenient time you prefer, we are more than happy to come along to a lesson and talk through our exciting project.

Competition Details

  • Deadline: All entries must be submitted by 17th June and members of Whitefield School will collect the entries from participating schools after this date.

  • Judging Criteria: Entries will be judged by our chosen panel and winners will be selected based on creativity, relevance, and originality. Please note, a minimum of 10 entries per school. 

  • Winners: The winning entries will be acknowledged with an experience at Flip Out for two and invited to a special event in September to showcase the new name and logo, celebrating the contributions of our local community.
    *To be eligible, we require a minimum of 10 entries per primary school

We look forward to seeing their creative contributions!

Suggest a Name

We are also taking name suggestions from parents and the local community.

Please submit your suggestions using this link. 

Community Consultations 

If you are interested in attending a consultation session, please let us know using this form and we will be in touch with dates for your diary.