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School Improvement Plan
Whitefield School's Improvement Plan has been drawn up in consultation with all of the immediate school community, including students, governors, and the senior team. The SIP contains the school’s longer-term vision, current developments, and targets set.
We use action plans as guiding, working documents by all members of the senior and middle leadership team as well as governors. So, we also inform each team’s Department about the whole school’s SIP.
The Governors have a key role in monitoring the SIP which they do through their committees. Likewise, they have full governors’ meetings for which the Headteacher provides an evaluation of progress in achieving the SIP targets. Each governor is linked to a dept and governors are represented at the Achievement Meetings (the faculty /departmental self-assessment presentation) as well as key events. Thus, governors act as critical friends to challenge and support the school in its work. We look forward to working in partnership in order to bring our vision and common purpose alive.